Capturing arbitrages offered by the synthetic credit market
Investment objective
The Investment objective of the fund is to achieve positive risk-adjusted returns to investors primarily through opportunistic investments in credit markets.
Art. 6
Net asset value
YTD Performance
SRI risk profil
Recommended investment horizon
Data as of
31 January 2025
Adrian Paturle
Partner / Portfolio Manager
Adrian Paturle joined Axiom Alternative Investments in July 2009. He has 21 years of experience in third-party asset management.
SRI risk scale from 1 to 7, from the lowest risk level (which does not mean risk-free) to the highest. The score indicated combines market and credit risk, and may change over time.
The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is a set of European rules that aims to make investment funds more comparable with each other on sustainability criteria and increase transparency for end investors. SFDR focuses on several pre-defined extra-financial indicators to assess the sustainability of the investment process on environmental, social and governance aspects
Past performance do not predict future returns
The return may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations, for the shares which are not currency-hedged.
Credit Risk. Counterparty Risk. Liquidity Risk. Capital loss. Currency risk. Use of derivatives. Default risk. Operational risk. Risk associated with discretionary management
Inception date of the share class
31 December 2018
ISIN code
Minimum initial subscription
Dividend policy
Management fees
Performance fees
One-off costs (possibly charged by the distributor)
Entry costs (max.)
This is the most you will be charged. The management company does not charge entry fees. The person selling you the product will inform you of the actual charge.
Exit costs (max.)
This is the most you will be charged. The management company does not charge entry fees. The person selling you the product will inform you of the actual charge.
Ongoing costs (taken each year)
Management fees and other administrative and operating costs
This figure is based on actual costs over the past year.
Portfolio transaction costs
This is an estimate of the costs incurred when we buy or sell the underlying investments for the Product. The actual amount will vary depending on how much we buy and sell.
Incidental costs taken under specific conditions
Performance fees
Maximum performance fees charges on the Product’s annual performance beyond the performance of the Benchmarks.