Contact Info

Regulatory information


Pursuant to Article 313-8 of the AMF general regulation, information on the complaint handling procedure is made available free of charge by Axiom Alternative Investments.

Axiom has implemented and maintains an operational procedure to quickly and efficiently process complaints made by its clients. Any complaint may be sent to the Compliance department by post to Axiom Alternative Investments, 39 avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie 75008 Paris, France. The management company will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within ten working days of the date on which it was received, unless a response has been issued to the client in the intervening period. Except in duly justified exceptional circumstances, a response will be issued to the client within two months of receipt of the complaint.

For France: In the event of an ongoing dispute, the client may contact a mediator, such as the AMF Ombudsman. The address of the AMF Ombudsman is: Autorité des marchés financiers, The AMF Ombudsman, 17 place de la Bourse, 75082 PARIS CEDEX 02, FRANCE. The AMF mediation request form and the Mediation Charter are available online at

For Luxembourg: In the event of a dispute or in the absence of an acknowledgment of receipt or response within one month of the complaint being made, the client may contact the competent authority, either by post to Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, L-2991 Luxembourg or by email to

The CSSF dispute resolution request form and relevant texts on the matter are available at


Alternatively you may use FIN-NET for cross border complaint if you live in one country of the European Economic Area, have a complaint against a financial services provider in another country of the European Economic Area, have complained but are still dissatisfied and want to find out which out-of-court dispute resolution body might be able to resolve the dispute.

To send a complaint to a FIN-NET member, you can : directly contact any FIN-NET member and ask them for guidance. You will find contact information for all the members in each country.


Pursuant to section 3 of Article L. 533-10 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, Axiom Alternative Investments shall duly inform shareholders of the risk of potential conflicts of interest before acting on their behalf.


Axiom Alternative Investments requires that you provide current and accurate financial and personal information. Axiom will protect the information you have provided in a manner that is safe, secure and professional. Axiom and its employees are committed to protecting your privacy and to safeguarding that information.

Privacy policy


Pursuant to Article 314-100 of the AMF general regulation, Axiom Alternative Investments has established a voting policy setting the conditions for the exercise of voting rights attached to the securities held by UCITS under its management.

Our engagement and voting policy apply to all of our assets under management. That being said, our range of funds invested in equities is limited to a single fund managing 20 million euros i.e. 0.52% of our total assets as at mid-January 2020, the majority of which are bonds, with a moderate use of derivatives and CDS.

We are cognizant that voting is an important part of the investment process and an opportunity to influence the company so voting rights are exercised above defined thresholds, expressed as a percentage of the number of outstanding shares of an issuer held by the mutual fund concerned. Axiom Alternative Investment may be required to vote when its shareholding falls below the thresholds only in exceptional situations where the defense of shareholders’ interests is necessary.

Our policy is available here below (in French) and available in English on request.

Voting Policy Axiom AI


In accordance with Article 314-75-1 of the General Rules of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, Axiom Alternative Management has established a policy for selecting and evaluating the entities that provide it with assistance in investment decision-making and order-execution.


On march 10, 2021 the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) 2019/2088 and the position-recommandation DOC-2020-03 of the AMF entered into force with the aim to strengthen protection for end investors of financial products that integrate sustainability considerations into their investment process. Both have for objective to improve the comparability of financial products disclosures by stablishing minimum standards.

This document explains Axiom AI’s compliance with both regulations.


Axiom Alternative Investments’ Remuneration Policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of the management company. The provisions of the Remuneration Policy are reviewed on a regular and are adjusted to fit the changing regulatory framework. The remuneration policy includes a description of how remuneration and benefits are calculated. A copy of the policy is available free of charge upon request.


AXM Alternative Investments Limited is required to publish a MIFIDPRU 8 disclosure statement when the audited financial statements have been published in the UK Companies House.

You can read our MIFIDPRU 8 disclosure here